Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Are you feeling terrible after seeing those clutches of tangled hair in your combs? If so, don’t worry. It is quite normal to shed between 50 to 100 strands of hair a single day. This article highlights the importance of Ayurveda for hair growth and lists some of the best ayurvedic foods and herbs that promotes hair growth and thickness.

Lack of nutrition, pollution, climate, erratic lifestyle, lack of sleep, and stress causes an excess build-up of toxins in your body and may lead to hair loss.

If you notice more hair strands on your hairbrush or pillow than normal, you may think that you have hair loss. But, it is okay to shed a lot of hair for one or two days, but, if the hair loss continues for a long time, you should consult a dermatologist.

Ayurveda for Hair Growth

Ayurveda- the ancient medical system, with its incorporation of natural ingredients, offers an abundance of healing remedies to control hair fall. According to Ayurveda, the best way to achieve good health is by balancing the three doshas, namely- vata, pitta, and kapha. These doshas govern each and everything about the body. 

Hair fall or hair loss is caused due to pitta dosha. Pitta deals with our metabolism and digestion. Know that, if your pitta dosha is balanced, you will have a healthy body and mind. Once you identify the reasons for this dosha, it becomes easy to balance it.

It is said that anxiety, stress, and improper diet are the main causes of pitta dosha. Other reasons for hair loss include hormonal imbalance, dandruff, diabetes, fungal infections, or climate change.

In the treatment of hair fall, ayurvedic approach completely differs from western medicine. In western treatment, chemical-based shampoos and products are used in treating hair fall. This may cause side effects. Ayurveda, on the other hand, uses safe natural remedies and proves best in restoring your hair growth.

Effective Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Much worried about hair loss? Ayurveda can do wonders on your hair by solving all your hair related problems from the root. Given below are some of the effective remedies in Ayurveda for hair growth.

  • Amla
Amla-Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Amla or Indian gooseberry contains antioxidants, vitamin C and fatty acids that help to promote healthy hair growth. It strengthens your hair and prevents premature pigment loss from your hair strands. That is why this fruit is regarded as one of the best remedies in Ayurveda for hair growth.

Heat coconut oil and add two teaspoons of amla powder into it. Make sure to heat this mixture until it turns brown. After a few minutes turn off the heat and keep the oil aside. Let it cool. Take the oil in a bowl and massage your scalp with it. Doing this boosts blood circulation. It gives enough nourishment to the hair follicles and improves hair growth. It also removes dandruff as well as dissolve grease and dirt from follicles. 

  • Aloe vera
Aloe vera-Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

A succulent plant species, aloe vera promotes hair growth, strengthens and repairs hair strands, deep cleanses oily hair, and calms an itchy scalp. Being a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, aloe vera contributes to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth. The folic acid and vitamin B-12 present in aloe vera gel prevents hair loss.

Aloe vera is also considered as one of the best skin allergy ayurvedic medicines.

You can apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp. From the aloe vera plant, cut a leaf and collect its gel using a spoon. Rub the gel into your scalp and leave it for an hour. Using a mild shampoo, wash your hair and scalp. Repeat this 2-3 times a week. 

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  • Brahmi
Brahmi-Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Brahmi is an ayurvedic bitter sweet herb that prevents hair fall, dandruff, split ends, and itchiness in your hair. It creates a natural protective layer around your hair follicles that helps in keeping the hair fibres healthy and makes the entire hair lustrous. This herb also work wonders in increasing the hair volume.

Make a paste of brahmi powder and coconut milk. Apply this on hair and wash it after an hour. You can also massage your hair and scalp using brahmi oil.

  • Fenugreek
Fenugreek-Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

Fenugreek is an age-old ayurvedic herb rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folic acid. It is a storehouse of minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron. Apart from this, fenugreek seeds are a good source of protein and nicotinic acid that fights against hair fall, dandruff, baldness, hair thinning and dryness of the hair.

Fenugreek can be used in the form of hair oil and can be directly massaged onto your scalp and hair strands. You can also make a hair mask using fenugreek powder and curd.

  • Triphala
triphala-Ayurvedic Foods and Herbs for Hair Growth and Thickness

A unique combination of amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki, triphala is an effective herbal remedy in Ayurveda for hair growth. They help to repair damaged hair, reduce dandruff and increase hair volume.

Triphala has antibacterial and antifungal properties that act on your scalp and keep all kinds of infections at bay. Apart from treating hair related problems, Triphala is a wonderful ayurvedic medicine for weight loss.

Applying triphala powder mixed with coconut oil on your hair will help to improve hair growth. Try making it a part of your diet. 

Use these ayurvedic foods and herbs for good hair growth and see the change! You can also consult a specialized doctor online before using these foods and herbs. A dermatologist will be able to choose the right one for you based on your hair texture. 

Anti-Ageing Herbs


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